Summit europeo per l’istruzione tecnico professionale

Summit europeo per l’istruzione tecnico professionale

(Roma, 11 Dicembre 2012) L’Europa per l’occupazione giovanile e il potenziamento del ruolo dell’istruzione tecnico-professionale. A Berlino, per due giorni, 10 e 11 dicembre, 6 paesi dell’Ue, tra cui l’Italia e la Germania, sono riuniti per sviluppare un piano di cooperazione per attività mirate ad “annodare” scuole, strutture formative e imprese. Lo scopo è quello di creare una rete solida di interscambio tra diversi Paesi volta a sviluppare l’alternanza scuola-lavoro e l’apprendistato soprattutto attraverso la mobilità di studenti, docenti e dirigenti con il sostegno delle Camere di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura e la partecipazione di parti sociali.

I Ministri dell’Educazione di Spagna, Portogallo, Lettonia, Grecia, Slovacchia, Germania e per l’Italia il Sottosegretario Elena Ugolini, con delega all’Istruzione tecnico-professionale, sottoscriveranno un Memorandum sull’istruzione tecnico professionale. Presenti per la delegazione italiana Laura Piatti, Capo segreteria tecnica del Ministro del Lavoro Elsa Fornero, Ivan Lo Bello, Vice Presidente Confindustria Education, Francesco Lauria, rappresentante della CISL ,Claudio De Martini, docente ordinario del Politecnico di Torino, Flavio Burlizzi, rappresentante di Unioncamere a Berlino.

Porre l’istruzione e formazione professionale al centro dell’agenda europea come volano per l’occupazione giovanile e la competitività delle imprese nel mercato globale sono tra gli obiettivi principali del Memorandum, che fa seguito agli accordi già stabiliti a Napoli, lo scorso novembre alla presenza dei due Ministri italiani Francesco Profumo e Elsa Fornero, il Ministro federale del lavoro e degli Affari Sociali tedesco, Ursula von der Leyen e il Direttore Generale per la cooperazione internazionale ed europea nell’Istruzione e nella Ricerca del Ministero Federale dell’Educazione e della Ricerca tedesco, Volker Riecke. Oltre alla firma dell’accordo sono previsti incontri bilaterali per avviare concreti programmi di lavoro di durata biennale da realizzare nel 2013-2014.

Programme Details of the Conference “Vocational Education and Training in Europe – Perspectives for the Young Generation” 10./11. December 2012, Berlin

Chair of the day: Andreas Pieper, press representative BIBB

Day 1: Welcome and information on the summit agenda (in English)

2:00 – 3:00 pm Salon 7 / room Wien

(in English)

Dr. Georg Schütte, State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Hubert Esser, President, Federal Institute of Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)
Xavier Prats Monné, Deputy Director-General for Education and Culture, European Commission

Aims of the this part:

  • Presentation of background and aims of the conference
  • Meaning of the cooperation for the development and enhancement of VET
  • Creating connection to European VET-Strategy
  • Mutual learning process

Day 1: Forums

3:00 – 6:30 pm

3:00 – 4:15

Forum 1: Shaping cooperation between players in VET

Field of action 3 (for all participants): Salon 7 / Wien

How to make social partners and industry assume responsibility for VET

Chair: Kornelia Haugg, Head of Department Vocational Training; Lifelong Learning, BMBF Speakers:
Prof. Dr. Reinhold Weiß, Deputy Secretary General/Head of Research, BIBB
Dr. Achim Dercks, Deputy Chief Executive, Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK)

Ingrid Sehrbrock, Deputy Chairwoman, German Confederation of Trade Unions (DBG) Peter Clever, Member of Management Board, Confederation of German Employer Associations (BDA)

4:15 – 4:30

Coffee break

4:30 – 6:30

Forum 2: Modernization and cooperation in Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Salon 7 / Wien

Forum 3: The European dimension Salon 1 / Moskau

4:30 – 5:30

Field of action 1: Increasing the attractiveness and quality of VET

4:30 – 5:30

Field of action 4: Increasing mobility in VET, contributing to the development of a European labour market and Education Area

Chair: Barbara Hemkes, Head of Division Development Programmes / Pilot Projects, BIBB

Peter Thiele, Head of Division Basic Policy Issues of Initial and Continuing Vocational Training, BMBF
Wolfgang Kreher, Ministry of Education of the German federal state Hesse Hans-Joachim Böhmer, Managing Director, German Portuguese Chamber of Commerce

Chair: Berthold Hübers, National Agency at BIBB (NA BIBB)
Thomas Klement, Leiter Corporate/HR Labor Employability, Merck KGaA

Franz Piesche-Blumtritt, EURES-Manager, Federal Employment Agency
Dr. Volker Born, Head of Department Vocational Education and Training, German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH)

5:30 – 6:30

Field of action 2: Support in modernizing VET

5:30 – 6:30

Field of action 5: Links with European cooperation in VET, using EU programmes and structures

Chair: Birgit Thomann, Head of Department Internationalisation of VET / Knowledge Management, BIBB Speakers:
Christiana Tings, Division EU Education Programmes, International Cooperation in Education, BMBF
Bernd Weisschuh, Manager Vocational Policies & Workforce Development, Daimler AG

Chair: Klaus Fahle, Head of National Agency at the Federal Institute of Vocational Education and Training (NA BIBB)

Antonio Silva Mendes, Head of the Unit in charge of the European training policy and the Leonardo da Vinci Programme, European Commission

Christian Stertz, Head of Division EU Education Programmes, International Cooperation in Education, BMBF

Aims of the forums:

Mutual Understanding of the fields of action


Summarizing key messages of the forums and deliver to Christian F. Lettmayr, director of Cedefop


Keynote speaker Mr. Lettmayr, Chairs, minute-takers

Tag 1: Debriefing

6:30 – 7:15 Salon 4 / London

Day 1:
Reception /
Dinner of the Ministers and High- level representatives of industry organizations

20:00 Invitation from BMBF Salon 11 / Madrid

Tag 1: Dinner of delegations

from 7:30 Salon Brasserie

Chair of the day: Andreas Pieper, Press representative BIBB


  • Representatives of the BMBF
  • Members of the delegations of the invited countries
  • Further participants: Delegation from the European Commission, Social Partners, etc.


  • Planning meetings of experts and social partners with members of the German delegation to agree follow-up activities (roadmap, projects, tasks)

    Agenda of the bilateral meetings:

  • 6 bilateral meetings in 2 blocks (8:00 – 10:00 am and 11:00 am – 1:00 pm)
  • Working language: English
  • During the last 30 minutes, the chairs will summarize the key messages / common fields of interest / results of the bilateral meeting on one sheet.
  • The sheet of results will be aligned with the delegations and social partners
  • The chairs will be supported by the facilitators

    Chairs and facilitators Bilateral Meeting I:

Tag 2: Bilateral Meeting I

8:00 – 10:00 am 3 rooms


Chairs (BMBF)

Responsible person for country /facilitators


Peter Thiele, Head of Division Basic Policy Issues of Initial and Continuing Vocational Training, BMBF

Volker Grünewald (JOBSTARTER)


Christiana Tings, Deputy Head of Division EU Education Programmes, International Cooperation in Education, BMBF

Hannelore Kress (BIBB, AB 1.2)


Christian Stertz, Head of Division EU Education Programmes, International Cooperation in Education, BMBF

Herbert Tutschner (BIBB, AB 4.4)


Day 2:
Ministers visit of a Berlin enterprise

Press Talk

08:20 departure from the hotel 9:00 – 9:45 am
Artis Gmbh Columbiadamm 23 10965 Berlin
Artis: Engineering your ideas

10:15 – 10:25 am

Day 2: Welcome

Salon 7 Wien / simultaneous interpretation

Welcome of the ministers by Prof. Dr. Schavan at the venue

Importance and challenges of dual training in Europe

Christian F. Lettmayr, Director, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop); all summit participants

10:30 – 10:50
Salon 7 Wien / simultaneous interpretation

Tag 2: Keynote

Day 2:
Meeting of the ministers

11:00 – 13:00 am

Salon 21 / Dublin simultaneous interpretation


Prof. Dr. Schavan, Federal Minister of Education and Research, Germany


Mutual exchanges on the progress of developments in the countries regarding the fields of action of the Memorandum (simultaneous interpretation)


Ministers with two or three members of their delegation (per country: Minister of Education, in some cases Minister of Labour, in some cases State Secretary)

  • José Ignacio Wert Ortega, Minister for Education, Culture and Sport, Spain
  • Secretary of State For Labour and Social Security or State Secretary, Spanien
  • Prof. Dr. Nuno Crato, Minister of Education and Science, Portugal
  • João Grancho, State Secretary for Primary and Secondary Education, Portugal
  • Dr. Pedro Silva Martins, State Secretary for Labour, Portugal
  • Roberts Kilis, Minister of Education and Science, Latvia
  • Dušan ČAPLOVIČ, Minister of Education, Science and Sport, Slovakia
  • Konstantinos Arvanitopoulos, Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, Greece
  • Elena Ugolini, State Secretary of the Ministry of Teaching, Universities and Research, Italy
  • Prof. Dr. Annette Schavan, Federal Minister of Education and Research, Germany
  • Dr. Annette Niederfranke, State Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Germany

    Details of the Meeting of Ministers:

Mr Prats Monné: short introduction to the Memorandum of Understanding open discussion about 3 topics, along leading questions
final statement

11:00 – 11:05 Introduction Minister Prof. Dr. Annette Schavan
11:05 – 11:10 Xavier Prats Monné, European Commission, short statement about the

11:10 – 12:50 Block of Diskussion I

Which goals do you wish to achieve with regard to

  • a balanced and labour market orientated mix of qualifications in VET and higher education?
  • (esp. in the VET area) a better connection between the educational system and the employment system?

    Block of Diskussion II

    What education policy reforms and issues in your country are particularly suited for bilateral cooperation with Germany (esp. based on the fields of action oft the Memorandum of Understanding?

    Block of Diskussion III

    What financial options do you expect for an expansion of our cooperation in 2013? Could we jointly coordinate a strategic use of EU funding from 2014 onwards, esp. of the EU Programme Erasmus for all and the new European Social Fund? Furthermore, could we jointly coordinate operational structures for our bilateral cooperations?

    Is there an interest and willingness from your side, with a jointly developed strategy that considers the interests of both sides, to enhance the VET and labour market mobility?

12:50 – 1:00 pm Final statement Minister Prof. Dr. Annette Schavan

Day 2: Bilateral Meeting II

11:00 am – 1:15 pm 3 Rooms

Plenum Chair: Peter Thiele

1:15 – 2:00 pm Salon 17 / Riga

Chairs and facilitators Bilateral Meeting II:


Chairs (BMBF)

responsible person for country / facilitators


Peter Thiele, Head of Division Basic Policy Issues of Initial and Continuing Vocational Training, BMBF

Isabelle Le Mouillour (BIBB, AB 1.1)


Christiana Tings, Deputy Head of Division EU Education Programmes, International Cooperation in Education, BMBF

Berthold Hübers (NA beim BIBB)


Christian Stertz, Head of Division EU Education Programmes, International Cooperation in Education, BMBF

Ute Hippach-Schneider (BIBB, AB 1.1)

Day 2: Press Conference

1:00 – 2:00 pm
Salon 7 Wien / simultaneous interpretation

Chair: Minister Prof. Dr. Annette Schavan, Ms Koufen, Press department, BMBF

Participants: all Ministers, in some cases State Secretary


  • Memorandum of Understanding
  • Peer-Learning-Forum
  • Beacon projects and quantitative measures
  • Time frame and people in charge for conference follow-up (first bilateral meetings etc.)
  • Details:1 participant from each country with each a 3 min. statement. Afterwards, time for questions.

Day 2: Joint buffet lunch

from 2:00 pm Foyer 1. floor