“Quantum Art”: new visions of the future of knowledge

“Quantum Art” – : new visions of the future of knowledge.

By : Paolo Manzelli & Daniela Biganzoli


-> From the beginning of Uncertainty (1927) quantum physics, has revolutionized the way we see the world, highlighting the conceptual limits of an objective view of a traditional realism where the ‘external environment is regarded as being separate from the capacity building of the brain images, sounds, colors and other sensations produced by the subject’s brain. Below the quantum biology has been applied to the living system from the book of Schroedinger (1935 -on the theme: “What is Life”) and it showed that the mechanical reductionism of science that was founded on a vision of local and deterministic , is very different from the actual mode ‘of evolution of biological processes, which are based on criteria of probability and non-local communication, deriving from’ quantum-entangement. The entanglement between bio-systems of life becomes are very complex because’ an inherently collaborative activities in their fundamental quantum levels. It ‘s from these aspects of cognitive change that EGOCREANET, from 2012, began to promoting the new perspective of creative innovation of the’ Art Quantum with the ‘intent to give birth to new developments aware of the opportunities of a creative symbiosis “Art and quantum science


We live in the transition between a digital culture towards a culture of renewal of knowledge.

In this situation the ‘contemporary art lives today in a state of general creative-apathy.


The new digital media depress the challenge of ‘modern art expressions in developing innovative aesthetic abandoning the cultural paradigm of mechanical science. (1)

In fact, with the predominance of the rapidity of communication of interactive Internet, visual art tends to lose its creative identity closing itself only in seeking strong sensations of emotional effect that is found on the goal of growing a business plan , rather than producing innovative ideas of a generative aesthetic anticipation of new knowledge. Modern art therefore does not perceive the new horizon of creative opportunities consistent with the needs of contemporary social and cultural change of science, that can be get by combining new aestheics with a critical and ethical dimension of economic development to be perceived through new creative meanings and immagination of art.


Some exceptions to the loss of thrust in creative and innovative aesthetic meaning of ‘contemporary art have been developed from EGOCREANET conference on: “FUTURE HORIZON QUANTUM OF ART AND AUGMENTED REALITY” (2) by the movement of the ‘Quantum Art, that has’ taken a responsible promotion of a program of “art and science” with heuristic purposes oriented to express visions of innovative knowledge, closely related to modern neuro-aesthetics and the quantum science .

The development of intrigue (entanglement) between art and quantum science, has produced to date a conversion program in semantics and aesthetics of ‘contemporary art starting from systematic overcome reductionism “mechanic” concepts of industrial society addressed in order to facilitate new horizons of future Knowledge Society. (3)


The expressive potential coming from new purposes to make Quantum Art are oriented in promoting an aesthetic scientific information in the virtual-era, with the pivot goal in the overturning of dualism between subject and object of sensory perception. This goal follows the Theory of Quantum Brain (QBT) that applies to the brain the knowledge gained from the bio-quantum science. The cultural change of QBT is focused on proposing a clear transition between the Mechanical Culture to the Culture of Quantum Biology. (4)

In the conception of QBT the brain is not just a machine that processes physical signals of information (photons, and other electrical or mechanical vibrational signals) received from the eyes and the senses. This because the brain processes the bio- information both “genetic and epigenetic ” in quantum process that transform the physical information on biological models of probabilities of perceptual and sensory forms all constructed inside of the brain in order to give a simple meaning to the living world around us. For QBT what we see and feel is therefore not a film or a photographic reproduction of the external world. In fact we know that the images and sensations built internally by the brain, we can also dream with eyes closed in a semi-conscious state. The external reality, that it is known through epigenetic signals of information it is read by the brain through integrating epigetitc’s signals with the genetic information. The brain in making such a combination of biological information, acts as a bio-quantum computer. The result of this quantum processing of the brain are the models probablity of man-enviroment interactions that are constructed inside of the Quantum-Brain. So that all we see and perceive are a prediction or an anticipation of our possible intereractivities with the environment. Therefore following the QBT, the Cartesian dualism, that makes irreconcilable mind and matter and produces the arbitrary opposition between nature and culture, both they lose all cognitive meanings.

Consequently QBT permits to break these cultural barriers and will open new horizons to the scientific and artistic creativity. In particular, the action of EGOCREANET, in furthering the development of the movement of “Quantum Art” highlights the new opportunities to investigate the dynamics of future integration between “art and science” in order to build a culture of disruptive innovation , on the basis of creative possibilities to modulate with the artistic imagination the epigenetic information, so as to induce expression of emotional and aesthetic innovation-oriented to become aware of the profound changes of the’ ecosystem. (5)


The Quantum Art recreates the passion for the modern art precisely because definitively abandoned its relationship with the concept of observation outside world, which was fundamental in experimental mechanics, and replaces it with the ability to make viewable creativity through aesthetic expressions of innovative quantum processes of creation of forms and emotions generated by the construction of images and sensations in relation to what happen to the internal brain processes that are very complex and hidden. So that without the creative imagination of the artist permit that the new quantum reality do not remain obscure and incomprehensible as when it is conceived exclusively on a purely cognitive science.               This new complementarity between “quantum art and science” induces the’ contemporary artist to express representations that are no longer completely arbitrary in that they are not without scientific meaning.


The contemporary crisis of art consists in producing works of imagination with a representative capacity and emotional impact that have an end in itself, this because contemporary art is fundamentally based on a questionable rhetorical criticism, exclusively oriented in raising the economic merchant-value of artistic production. Conversely the “Quantum Art” becomes a cognitive innovation activity that can investigate the future prospects of cultural development, ranging beyond the pure and simple hypothesis, since they are consistent with the needs of a profound change of consciousness, that produces a necessary conceptual advance in correspondence with the need to implement an overcoming of mechanical conceptions of the obsolete reductionist science.

Viceversa, in the perspective outlined by QBT, the Quantum Art, my be considered as a direct product of the brain evolution, that becomes as a modern form of collaborative renewal quantum science and innovative culture. In fact the ‘Quantum Art, through new methods of display aesthetic features , become adapt at anticipating solutions for a renewed search on unobservable reality , by means some creative tools of Quantum Art innovation that powerfully the shape the future development of creative thinking. (6)


CONCLUSION: Galileo Galilei became aware of the relativity of perception by noting that when the moon appears behind a mountain has a size much larger than when it seems to rise to the sky. The observed variation of the variable size of moon get a vision of an apparent physical quantities while the distance between Moon-Earth remains unchanged. This apparent change of physical perceived dimensions for the QBT it is interpreted as the probable ‘expectations of interaction of man with the’ ambient relatively to the quantum brain entanglement between observer and observed reality. (7)


After becoming aware of the new possibilities of creative imagination resulting combination of interdisciplinary art and science, the modern Quantum Art aims to accelerate the transition between the old dualistic science and culture, dividing the mind of matter, and to favor the new paradigmatic dimension of creative thinking, by proposing a renewed synthesis no more ‘limited to an exercise reproductive appearances of the outside world. In fact the Quantum Art combines the Universe outside and the quantum biology , in a new perspective of innovation that highlights the “real probabilistic uncertainty of knowing” that comes from the essential relationship of simultaneity between the observer and observed reality. The extension to the functioning of the brain quantum biology (QBT), therefore extends the Uncertainty Principle to life, while at the same time leads to more extensive freedom ‘of evolution of knowledge with modes more in a way that it is consistent of a holistic aware of an hidden reality where man himself is an integral part of the nature of life. 30th / SEPT / 2015.


Biblio on Line.


1)-New Optics: http://www.steppa.net/html/scienza_arte/scienza_arte1.htm

2)- http://met.provincia.fi.it/news aspx? n = 131682

3)- Cultural Change : https://dabpensiero.wordpress.com/2015/09/13/strategie-di-cambiamento-culturale-e-scientifico-per-favorire-la-crescita-della-living-economy-2/

4)- QBT: https://www.edscuola.eu/wordpress/?p=59450

5) – https://dabpensiero.wordpress.com/2014/09/01/quantum-art-design-paolo-manzelli/

6) – Neuro-aesthetic : http://neuroesthetics.org/pdf/lartista_e_un_neurologo.pdf
