-Preliminary PROGRAM DESCRIPTION-2012 -Search For Partners
–> Vision: In the context of action plan, “Innovating European bio-economy for Sustainable Growth” (*) the Nutra Science Project will investing in food research, and food production innovation to develop the application of innovative knowledge on food-biochemical structure to design advanced relationship among foods for health,security, wellness and well being.
–> Objective: Improve a better understanding of fundamental structure–function relationships of food components is also a key to the design of new functionla food and to develop nutraceutical business. Food sector have a strong innovation potential generated by an a deep multidisciplinary strategic approach by using of a wide range of sciences in a open innovation method .Therefore the Nutra Science project aggregate in a “Knowlege Innovation Community”, research and enterprises in connection with life sciences, agronomy, ecology, food science and social sciences, for enabling industrial innovation through bio & nano technology, information and communication technologies (ICT), and innovative engineering of production and marketing procesess to enhance international competitiveness for Europe of Bio-economy for sustainable Food -Agriculture and Bio-technology sectors.
–> Nutra Scienza program will be based on a multidisciplinarry approach in the research and production of food and nutrition metabolism, and would catalyze transnational innovation sharing knowledge between research and agro-food industry to better the food productivity aiming to advance into nutritional health benefits and to better aging risks focussing on a diet good to avoid metabolic and chronic inflammatory diseases. Such knowledge is essential in developing new innovative food products in response to consumer demand for healthy, safe and convenient foods that look good and sensatios of taste and smell.
–> The nutrition research within Nutra-Science focuses particularly on research questions concerning the effects of nutrition, nutritional components, and nutritional behaviour on the health based in an advancement dissemination of science in society for inducing research into eating and drinking habits to citizen and to advance knowledge into the significance of certain nutrients, foods, and nutritional patterns to the cause of diseases. NutraScience program pourposes are focused also within the fields of toxicology and environmental health science, research is performed into health effects of detrimental factors in nutrition and working and living environments In view of enhance the the social interest in research questions regarding nutrition and environ-ment.Nutra Science Progam has an applicative nature which expresses itself in an extensive co-operation with Regional government Universities and industry.
–> In a long-term perspective of Nutra-Science will improve an advanced nutrition innovation strategy seeking to strengthening the protection of health as well as the legitimate consumers’ interests on having a food diet more personalized by means the advanvements of nutrigenomics research . In connection with that it aims we look to boost the public confidence in the system of bio- genetics knowledge of mitochondia’s metabolic functions ensuring safe food, in its quality and nutritional values. Hence the key areas of development for 2010 – 2013 of the “Nutra Science” Proposal will be defined by the following medium-term tasks for the active partnership in the field of food safety and nutrition for imporiving European based bio-economy .
–>Challenge 1.: Nutrition :Investigation of bio-active compounds new dietary strategies about of diet-related diseases and disorders including obesity and allergies. This will involve the development and application of nutrigenomics and mitocondrial metabolism . It could lead to reformulation of processed foods, to optimising innovation in the European food industry and to enhance development of nutraceutic foods and dietetic foods and functional foods with nutritional and health claims.
–> Challenge 2. : grow up an European “ Knowledge Innovation Community” on Food& Health & Nutrition between bio-economy research and agri-food industry partners, looking at actively participation to the Horizon Europe 2020 strategy of Innovation (**), focused to enhance the functionality, quality and nutritional value of food and drink of the Mediteranean diet for improving the innovation potential and the competitiveness of the agri-food SMEs taking part as stakeholders to the Nutra Science project.
–> …...new Challenges can be described by the partners contributions
BIBLIO–> (*) http://ec.europa.eu/research/bioeconomy/press/press_packages/index_en.htm , –> (**) HORIZON 2020 http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020/index_en.cfm
–> Tuscany Nutra-Science Project toadays is organised in various lines of R&S activities :
–> 1) CeRA (Interdepartmental Centre University of Firenze ) http://www.cera.unifi.it/mdswitch.html
groo of research specializing in sensory &consumer science,food& health, and characterization of plant and animal products primary and transformed. Respomsible : Prof. Nadia Mulinacci <nadia.mulinacci@unifi.it>
–> 2) Life Science Dept. University of Siena , research group specializing in the safety assessment ,the geographical and historical origin , authenticity and health aspects of raw materials and food,
Responsible prof Mauro Cresti <cresti@unisi.it>,
Project UNISAT http://www.unisi.it/v0/minisito.html?fld=4261
–-> 3) Life Science -Green , Dept. Scuola Superiore S.Anna (PISA) http://www.sssup.it/context.jsp?ID_LINK=9779&area=47
–> 4) Facolta’ Agraria Universita di Pisa http://www.agr.unipi.it/Alpi-Amedeo.201.0.html
Responsible Prof. Amedeo Alpi <aalpi@agr.unipi.it >
Viticoltore Gianfranco Soldera : www.soldera.it , <gianfranco.soldera@casebasse.it>
Stefano Casadei http://www.tecnovitetoscana.it/eng/index_eng.html ,<stefano@stefanocasadei.it>
–> NUTRA SCIENCE program is organized by EGOCREANET (Onlus of R&D)
President Paolo Manzelli www.edscuola.it/lre.html; <egocreanet2011@gmail.com>