FP7 – Nutrition Area 2013

FP7 – Nutrition Area 2013:  forecast the EU strategy of HORIZON 2020

(A brief synthesis of thematic priorities by Paolo Manzelli)


–> Each FP7 Proposal 2013 need to re-prioritised in order to focus on sustainable growth in the vison of EUROPE 2020.

–> Both challenge “pull” and technology/knowledge “push” research will be needed to deliver the HORIZON 2020 objectives of sustainable economic growth and addressing future global challenges and build the research capability of key industry and demonstrating genuine EU added value.This support also needs to be provided as part of a broad approach to innovation, including social innovation and new business models.

–> Cooperation Projects are grand and complex challenges are based on multidisciplinary approaches relevant to addressing all the global challenges. The social sciences and humanities should play a complemetal – role in addressing issues relating to societal change and should be embedded in all aspects of KBBE programmes.


Thematic options

1.1. Health and Wellbeing

This change leads to avoid an an increase in chronic diseases, particularly the ‘big killers’ cardiovascular diseases and cancer, as well as increases in obesity, metabolic syndrome and mental health disorders, all of which impact on health expenditure. These new challenges necessitate an evidence-based approach to nutrition to improving health care systems and to promoting preventive public health measures.

1.2. Prevention research, healthy lifestyles and healthy environments

A) Healthy ageing: starts at conception and the early life determinants of healthy ageing need to be properly explored to advance in understanding of how to improve wellbeing also through cultural and social participation.

B) Public Information and education . A key challenge is to improve our record on disease prevention. This requires better methods of delivering behavioural interventions and information / education programmes of “e-Health” e.g. maximizing the digital domain to get a more diffuse understanding of the impact of nutrition factors such as diet, exercise on healthy living.

1.3. Sustainable, healthy, safe foods and diets

(a) Healthier diets and nutrition: improved understanding of how foods and diets affect health including chronic diseases and obesity; developing and testing interventions to improve diet and health; micronutrient requirements and nutritional needs of specific groups; personalised nutrition; new/improved foods acceptable to consumers; optimising product (re)formulation through new uses or sources of ingredients and nanotechnology.

(b) Sustainable consumption and healthy eating: understanding relationships/trade-offs between production, consumption, safety, healthy eating and affordability and cultural significance; what a healthy low-impact diet might comprise; how best to help people achieve this in a sustainable food system; understanding the cultural relevance of food and how that influences sustainable consumption in different contexts.

(c) Consumer attitudes and behaviours: an integrated approach (social, economic and biological knowledge) to improve understanding of what shapes consumers’ attitudes and behaviours, including cultural aspects and interest in the convenience, taste, quality and origin; understanding issues that affect food availability and affordability and barriers to healthy eating.

(d) Food safety: food safety in a global whole food system; better understanding and management of risks from known, new and emerging food-borne pathogens, chemicals and external factors, including climate change, demographics, waste, globalisation; understanding causes and mechanisms of food allergy; increasing shelf-life and maintaining food safety; effective methods to support regulation; evidence to underpin effective risk-based controls for the whole chain; challenges and opportunities from emerging technologies and functional foods.

The above pillar of Horizon 2020 is well placed to support the adaptation of FP7 2013 to the future goals of the European Strategy for Innovation

The previous statements are in particular oriented to develop an Innovation Systems of Nutrition and Health in Europe,considering that research till now has shown that linear concepts of innovation that today need vto be considered outdated. Nowadays the mission of all programs need to be focused to still developing our understanding of how the best innovation systems are inclusive, open, and interactive. Multidisciplinary research is also needed on the assessment of the health of particular areas of the innovation of Regenerative medicine. The last is an emerging field of research and clinical applications requiring an high multidisciplinary approach. It includes tissue engineering, developmental and stem cell biology, gene therapy, cellular therapeutics, biomaterials (scaffolds and matrices), nanoscience, bioengineering and chemical biology. Finally it is a need that FP7 2013 Programs in the Nutrition Area look to an . high growth SMEs and on their connectivity with advaced research and also other actors e.g public or private financial institutions.

Commissione Web

Come preannunciato con avviso 29 marzo 2012, Il MIUR presenta il software “Commissione web” che, dalla prossima sessione degli esami di Stato sostituirà il pacchetto Conchiglia, con una serie di funzioni a supporto di tutte le attività delle commissioni di esame.

Di seguito il comunicato del MIUR:

Da quest’anno, per gli esami di Stato, le commissioni potranno utilizzare sul sito istituzionale del MIUR un nuovo pacchetto software, “Commissione Web“, realizzato per la gestione delle attività connesse.

Il pacchetto consente la completa integrazione dei dati immessi dalle segreterie scolastiche sul SIDI con quelli inseriti dalle commissioni d’esame su “Commissione web”.

Il sistema di navigazione

Il sistema presenta un’interfaccia di facile navigazione, che segue il diario delle operazioni d’esame della commissione, dall’Insediamento alle Valutazioni finali. Ogni singola voce presenta un approfondimento puntuale con un ulteriore specifico sottomenu.

Struttura dell’intero processo degli esami di Stato

Fasi del processo

Il processo si articola prima in ambiente SIDI poi in Commissione web.

Le fasi:

  1. Nella prima, cosiddetta fase di ammissione, le segreterie scolastiche inseriscono nel SIDI, area “Esiti esame di Stato”, le informazioni sull’ammissione degli studenti. Rispetto allo scorso anno, dovranno inserire anche i crediti del terzo, quarto e quinto anno di corso in modo distinto.
  2. Nella seconda fase, le commissioni d’esame, a partire dal loro insediamento e fino alla conclusione delle attività, utilizzano per registrare gli esiti degli esami, direttamente on line, il nuovo applicativo “Commissione web” disponibile all’interno di quest’area, che contiene già tutte le informazioni sui candidati ammessi.

Con la conclusione di questa fase, esplicitamente dichiarata dalle commissioni, le informazioni inserite sono automaticamente disponibili sul sistema SIDI, Area “Esiti esami di Stato”, per le segreterie scolastiche.