

by: Paolo Manzelli <egocreanet2012@gmail,com>


→ The concept of a Circular Economy, was introduced ,in 1990 addressing the interlinkages between economic functions and the environment. (Pearce D, Turner RK (1990) Economics of natural resources and the environment. Harvester Wheatsheaf, London).

Transitioning from current resource management practice dominated by linear economic models of consumption and production, to circular agronomy models of resource use, will require insights into the stages and processes associated with socio-technical transitions.

The concept of a circular economy – currently widely promoted in China though a specific low emphasises the symbiotic benefits of a thinking design of processes that include recycling of residual waste materials to by- and co- products through , and so that become able to promotes resource minimisation and the adoption of advancements in cleaner technologies So that In Circular Economy , will be as a net benefit to future society and to the living environment as a whole.So that today traditional industrial managers think that if profit-seeking companies see the the recycling and reuse options of circular economy are for profit they should already have been realised.

Certainly in linear approach to conventional economy the recycling will be undertake but only where it is profitable from a private economic viewpoint.

Unlike the new strategy “WASTE END” plans to clear to zero the generation of waste as the necessary condition of renewed innovation strategies of science and technology that will be able to minimize the pollution of environment and ensure the life and health of future generations.

Therefore European recent strategy on Circular Economy look forward an integration between Public-Private decision-makers for improving a responsible research and development of developing an more complete integration in the context of industrial ecology that permit a secure advancements that recycling and reuse of primary and natural resources will take place where it became socially desirable and efficient.

As a first step of Circular Economy advancements , it is necessary to improve a public understanding of social responsibility of research to enhance the strategic perspective how Circular Economy principles can provide net social benefits.

This new cultural responsible approach is focused . an in-depth understanding based on disseminating the description of the environmental consequences of the linear approach of traditional industrial-economy choices, that look to be without environmental limits .

Thereby EGOCREANET (NGO – Business Incubator University of Florence -IT ) think important to develop a cultural innovation role in the project about “CIRCULAR AGRONOMY” for making in a new evidence the need of a transdisciplinary circular approach of research and development that need to became more in symbiosis with the evolutionary transformation of nature.

From the scientific principles we well known that circulating matter and energy means to reduce the need for new inputs to the economic system and help delay the increasing entropy. In spite of this , the understanding of private business look only to a short point of view of the business of each single enterprise. So that we need to carefully understand that it will be a contemporary need to favor both for a better theoretical and practical approach, that look to a global point of view of a network-system of research and industry that may be able to overcome the traditional industrial development that following a linear approach here differs fundamentally from the need of new scientific theorization andpractice of the knowledge society.

As a matter of facts the linear industrial development is becoming near to the collapse, this because the pollution of environment is the cause of more and more economic disasters caused by the climate change and the increase of illness as cancer and so on…, as we can see with a great evidence .

Environmental pollution today change deeply the public and private risks in economy that are exceeding the sustainable capacity of the human.societies. So that Egocreanet think that will be important to underline our support to enhance a cultural advancement to change the conventional perception of the economics efficiency of linear development in respect of the new strategic approach of Circular Economy .

Circular Economy in Agriculture”, will be the title of coference organized by Egocreanet , in order to advance in retinking  the future knowledge society overcoming the traditional linear rate of production developmental models .

Modern Agriculture today is looking forward to the “End of Waste” , so that nowadays require a different circular model of business and productivity that will be able to develop a new model that go to the zero waste generation. The trouble is that now the environmental pollution and the waste landfilling destroy sistemetically natural resources over the limit of an evolutionary balance . So that a deep change this industrial model will be the mission of “CIRCULAR AGRONOMY” to favor a deep economic and social knowledge society. This mission of the circular agriculture need to become very significant for AGRIFOOD SECTOR in protecting environment and preserving people’s health . Moreover, this responsible mission it become also a question of consciousness in science and innovation oriented to favor a disruptive innovation based on Circular Economy models. Thus the new approach of agrofood production need to be developed before the complete collapse of the obsolete industrial society. Henceforth Egocreanet hope in conscious and creative people that would trust to look to the near future of the knowledge society .

see PROGRAM of the CONFERENCE in the dates 29/30 APRIL 2015 in Florence ( now in Progress) (*)

The Mission of he Florence Conference would improve the goal to advance in understanding that the priority of the Circular Economy in various Agricultural sector will be to renew the thinking design the production by an open cooperation both in business and responsibility for a better sustainable future.

Finally Egoceanet would realize an Horizon 2016/20 project to ensure sustainable development impact and implementation looking to reinforce the activities focused on advance in green energy development, based on the use of biomass is in the right path in adopting a holistic approach in the promotion of renewable energy from agricultural waste and in developing the quality of food through the reuse as nutraceutical co-products the waste of food production.

Biblio. On Line

-Europe Report in Circular Economy :http://ec.europa.eu/environment/circular-economy/pdf/circular-economy-communication.pdf

-Circular Economy Advantages: http://www.accenture-blogpodium.nl/latest-post/how-to-capture-the-advantages-of-the-circular-economy/
-Circular Economy experts: http://www.environmental-expert.com/Files%5C6063%5Carticles%5C15091%5Cart12.pdf


https://www.edscuola.eu/wordpress/?p=57161; https://www.edscuola.eu/wordpress/?p=57028

(*) FLORENCE- CONFERENCE 29/30 April 2015- Preliminary Info: http://www.forumdiagraria.org/mostre-fiere-e-convegni-f71/conferenza-su-economia-ciclica-firenze-30-aprile-2015-t91040.html