Tu Farfalla,…Angelica…

“…Tu Farfalla,…Angelica…”

…Una volta vidi una farfallina che saltellava per i sentieri e gli alberi del Bosco di Alice !…Raggiunse il Paese delle Meraviglie che stava al di là del Sole e della Luna,…e lì conobbe Dio forte forte…
…Lei voleva rimanere a donare i suoi magici colori a tutte quelle bellezze del Paradiso ed ad ogni magnificenza del Creato,…ma Dio,lodandola a più non posso,… “la rimandò” a questa Terra Umana …pregandola di andare ad offrire i suoi colori di Bontà e di Voglia forte forte di fare il Bene ad ogni persona di questo mondo che aveva bisogno del suo aiuto e della sua solidarietà!
…Allora,la nostra Farfallina fu felicissima di essere stata lodata da Dio,…ma gli chiese subito come Lei l’avesse mai potuto amare direttamente…se,poi, sarebbe dovuta vivere fisicamente “assente” dalle Sue braccia divine e dai giardini fioriti dell’Eden…
…Dio la bacio in fronte commosso …e,poi,accennandoLe ad un sorriso paterno al massimo, …Le disse benevolmente :”””Angelica sappi che, ovunque tu farai nascere un sorriso nelle persone che soffrono o che non amano abbastanza la vita,…sarà sempre un bel Bacio e una carezza di Figlia sublime che mi avrai mandato soavemente a me Tuo Papà caro”””…
…E poi…aggiunse: “””…E non dimenticare che ogni voltà che io ti vorrò sorridere per “rassicurarti”,…quando avrai qualche dubbio e qualche tormento d’angoscia e di crisi per la “verità” della mia Persona,…io ti bacerò sempre con i miei simboli divini,…facendoti volare accanto una colomba sempre Bianca e Candida come te !…Peraltro,facendoti amare da un mio Angelo sotto le vesti di poeta incredibilmente creativo e a te caro al massimo!”””…
…Angelica volò,così,contenta e sicura di sè…verso il mondo terrestre;…e nonostante tutto quanto le sembrava ,in quest’ultimo,… “indegno”… di Dio,…cominciò ad amarlo per trasfromarlo e rabbonirlo come voleva Dio stesso,…con tenacia,passione e infinita Buona Volontà di aiutare tutto e tutti con ogni Sua forza e immenso Coraggio;…senza paura dei cattivi e degli oppressori;…comprendendo sempre che in questo modo,così soltanto,… Lei farfallina avrebbe amato autenticamente il vero Dio,…quello “Orizzontale”,…ch’era un tutt’uno …con quello Verticale,… e con ogni “svolazzante” Colomba bianca armonica chiamata “Spirito Santo” (… che offre a tutti la Grazia del Signore!) …
…Per questo,… un poeta stolto e forse presuntuoso,un giorno conobbe per caso la nostra cara Angelica e le sussurrò emozionato che,immediatamente e senza saper come e quando,…Lui si era innamorato assolutamente di Lei,farfallina “taumaturgica”, …proprio come se l’avesse sentito dentro al cuore e alla mente tutta d’un colpo,…con la “spasmodicità” della “Folgorazione sulla Via di Damasco”!
…Le gridò,forte,così,…in mezzo ad un prato verde pastello e fiorito a festa,dove tanti bambini facevano volare i loro aquiloni colorati simbolo di gioia di vivere e di purezza dei cuoricini loro (…che la nostra Farfallina,giocando con loro, andava rincorrendo proprio per fare sempre più felici gli stessi pargoli tanto amati da Gesù!):
…”””Angelica,sai …, ti amo per davvero…!”””…
…Lei…continuò a volare contenta e felice,arrossendo non poco  (…ma ansimante e col cuore che le batteva a mille,…proprio perchè si era ricordata ben bene della Profezia di Dio…)!
…Continuò,dunque,a girare e rigirare (nell’aria profumata!)… con le sue evoluzioni che parevano sempre l’armonia di Dio da infondere a tutta la Natura del Creato …in quanto “Alfabeto Divino” di Letizia francescana e di Linguaggio galileiano,allo stesso tempo e per lo stesso motivo…
… Fece,così, tanti “giri/in/cielo” …tranquilla e con l’entusiasmo a mille,…sempre vicino a Lui …e a tante colombe bianche che le giravano sempre attorno in segno di gioia e di contentezza di Dio…
…Capì,così,…che era la Vita Terrena di Dio…il suo vero Paese delle Meraviglie,…sempre e comunque amato da Dio…”in tutti i modi possibili e…impossibili””” , …dove amare veramente e autenticamente lo stesso Padre , …allo stesso tempo, … in prospettiva  teologica  sia “orizzontale” che “verticale”!

Gianfranco Purpi

(poesia di  Gianfranco Purpi ,inedita, pubblicata dall’Autore il giorno 08/04/2011)



Paolo Manzelli pmanzelli.lre@gmail.com


How does the Future of Nutrition for the ‘man if he is understood as a “super body” in symbiosis between the complex genetic system of intestinal bacteria (microbiome) and its genome.

The Horizon Project Future of Nutrition studied the human biological system for the digestion of food, taking into account recent advances in knowledge about the “microbiome” of the gut bacteria, that digest food and absorb nutrients, just in order to change the perspective and guidelines of the past about the relationship between diet and health.

Today, nutrition is brought back to ‘ancient idea of Hippocrates of Cos who consider “food as a cure.” The contemporary nutrition in industrialized countries, cannot ‘more’ to be fundamentally related only to energy needs of biological sustainability of life, but it will be geared specifically toward improving overall mental and physical health and well-being.

The orientation to the future of FUHONU, is therefore aimed at preventive nutrition of diseases resulting from malnutrition in industrialized countries , aimed a) to decrease medical –cure expenses (as a basic objective the KBBE 2020), and then b) in the ‘intent to promote an offer new food to avoid the production of “Junk Food” clearly putting to companies the idea to cooperate with the research in food –nutrition for getting alternative of food production with  high nutritional quality.

The goal to become able to extend the scenario “food-healthy” will be oriented to  using a wider’s supply of new nutrients emerging  opportunities seen in terms of innovation and development of new foods giving particular reference to the pre-probiotic  and functional foods  and nutraceuticals.

These are the hallmarks of the FUHONU project objectives, paying particular attention to the issues about the quality and sustainability (economic and environmental)  of future food production deduced from a more close relationship between research and innovation enterprises.

Objectives and Concepts .

We live in a global market era in which deep changes in socioeconomic status, cultural traditions, population growth, and agriculture are affecting diets worldwide. Understanding how  diet and new food products can prevent nutritional status focusing the factors  influencing the composition and dynamic operations of humangut microbiome, and its effects on the development of diet related diseases including the alteration of the  innate and adaptive arms of our immune system, represents an area of scientific need, opportunity and challenge of the Future Horizon of Nutrition (FUHONU)

The FUNONU Project will advance our understanding of the beneficial and harmful dietary factors underlying the connection between microbiota and health, to prevent the occurrence of diet-related diseases and disorders, including the detrimental effects on central brain. It will also demonstrate the interactive communication between the enteric nervous system and the gut microbiome for favouring  a  long healthy life.

The increase in knowledge on the effects of appropriate diets from the FUNONU research will considerably contribute to an improved understanding of the link between preventable diet-related diseases and the need to maintaining a healthy gut microbiome homeostasis for  the  promotion of health and an active population.

To demonstrate the role of a healthy Human Gut Microbiome is a major goal  in  health promotion and disease prevention. The FUHONU Consortium  will undertake  appropriate epidemiological studies and preclinical trials to identify risk factors for physical and mental metabolic diseases the result of which will be widely  disseminatedto modify social and individual behavior to lower their disease risk.

Diets and microbiome

Diet is a major factor  which influences the dynamic microbiome. Therefore diets and their customization will be at the centre of the  FUHONU project in order to better understand the ability of the microbiome in   the  metabolism and absorption of  food components with high nutritional activities. Current research increasingly recognizes the human gut microbiome  as a metabolically active  ‘biological digester’, as it plays an essential role in the regulation of the metabolome-host relationships. A healthy gut microbiome is necessary to achieve an effective energy balance through the selection and production of biologically active molecules that would otherwise be expelled from the intestinal tract without obtaining any benefits from symbiotic “man-bacteria”. A healthy microbiome is an essential support of the host’s metabolism, expanding the availability of nutrients, releasing energy through the fermentation of compounds such as  the short chain fatty acids (eg acetate, propionate, butyrate, isobutyrate, isovalerate, ),  organic acids (for example, succinate, pyruvate, fumarate, lactate), as well as amino acids, uracil, trimethylamine, ethanol, glycerol, glucose, phenolic acids, cast, and also lipid components obtained from polyphenols and non-digestible oligosaccharides which are useful to develop a variously modulated absorption of nutrients. It is widely recognised that short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) are the main metabolic products of the anaerobic fermentation bacteria, and they can be considered as an important source of energy for humans, used by colonocytes (colonic epithelial cells), the liver and muscles.

The high variability observed between inter- and intra-individual microbiomes leads to  a versatile absorption of useful nutrients which are derived from the possible variability in metabolite concentrations rather than  metabolite composition. The above demonstrates that the diversity of the composition of the flora of the intestinal tract (GI) enables  the best general biochemical characteristics of the primary metabolism within the gastrointestinal tract,  leading to the  metabolism of  different substrates through specific enzymatic activities and complementary  metabolic pathways.

The role of diets in diet-related diseases.

The FUHONU consortium will make an important advancement in the  very challenging issues    surrounding our understanding of the microbiota in human health and disease. The state of the art in this field is dominated by studies on the relationshop between  the composition of the dynamic microbiome to  varying diets. Currently the functional analysis of the gut microbiome is primarily oriented to studying the relationship between metabolic symbiosis and dysbiosis, as this causes alterations in the immune system.

The above approach is receiving increasing attention in nutritional research for the prevention of diet-related diseases, such as metabolic syndrome and obesity and other co-morbidities. Consequently further  research on the microbiome,  requires a multidisciplinary approach based on studies on the metabolism of the GI which are analyzed using  in vitro simulation, animal models and in dietary studies in humans. This multi-pronged approach will be implemented by the FUHONU project and will focus on the  impact a number of food components (Food-Kits) which are metabolized by certain bacterial strains. The expected results will lead to  the recognition of biomarkers as a pre-requisite in  understanding how it is possible to reshape the functionality gut microbiome,prevent metabolic diseases and additionally maintaining our health at all stages of life.

The effects of dietary modulation of the microbiome on brain development and behavior.

Like all animals and plants, human have an establish symbiotic relationship with microorganisms, and the combined genetic information of the diverse microbiota greatly exceeds that of the host. The FUHONU project aims to contribute to understanding how, as a direct result of the symbiotic fitness, the genetic contribution of the bacterial flora  effects  our  brain and behavior. This will be obtained by studying  the complex interaction between the brain and the microbiome modulation, through  dietary tests suitable for the promotion of a healthy life of the holobiont; that is the host and  associated microorganisms.

Colonization by the human microbiota is an evolutionary-favoured process. It is a  guided ‘biocenosis’,  modulated by the release of neurotransmitters from  the enteric brain such as tryptophan, serotonin, etc, that are capable of activating the complex communication system that uses biological Peptises YY (PYY), endocannabinoid ligands and ghrelin. It is well known that the exchange of bidirectional signals between the central nervous system (CNS) including the brain  and the enteric nervous system (ENS) is required to  control the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. It also  has a considerable impact on the variation in the energy balance and is also capable of interacting with hormones and the immune system. This complex bio-communication is known as the “brain-gut axis” and is vital to maintaining metabolic homeostasis and the maturation of a Healthy Gut Microbiome from birth to ageing, interacting with both the immune and endocrine systems. Conversely, the mismatch of microbial symbiosis (dysbiosis) can compromise these bio-signals and result in  altered psycho-physiological states. These  include from the central brain, the dysregulation of certain areas of neurotransmission producing behavioral responses such as depression stress, anxiety, and due the  other side of the brain enteric, correlatively to dysbiosis including visceral pain, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), as well as obesity, cancer and diabetes, and allergies.

The FUHONU project will lead to a new food strategy that can combine the modulation of the microbiota  with brain functionin order to better understandnormal and pathological conditions. This will result in further  epidemiological studies and clinical tests which will open new frontiers in  an improved understanding of  a healthy microbiome,  produce demonstrable  effects in a non-stressful manner  that is related to ageing , the physical activity and other factors related to optimized lifestyles that correlate diet and wellness, considering where appropriate gender issues.

Finally, the FUHONU project aims to critically evaluate both the psychological and therapeutic opportunities derived from this research in order to verify in particular whether attention in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome can be an effective strategy also for the management of degenerative disorders of the central nervous system and therefore will reflect the difficulties inherent in this approach. Despite the considerable challenges that await us in the planned four years of the FUHONU project , we believe that this is a very timely area of future research on the prevention of health and wellness which is expected  to remain the center of attention for a long time to come.

Diet, Microbiome and Pre- Probiotics.

Humans and microbes are related by an inseparable symbiosis, which affects the lives of human beings from birth to old age. The Healthy Gut Microbiome, is the complex ecosystem of the microbial flora which is  sensitive to many environmental stresses, such as acidity, oxygen and heat as well as drugs and antibiotics. So it is important that extrinsic factors do not perturb the microbiome beyond  the natural resilience of the symbiont. Such loss in resilience would in turn disturb the interactive communication   between microbe-microbe and host-microbe. These interactions influence various aspects of host physiology and psychological behavior


In some cases, the use of probiotics as food supplements has been a  useful approach to restoring and maintaining the microbiome homeostasis. Probiotics have been  known since ancient times, when various fermented products were widely used as food. Pre- and probiotics added as symbiotic food and supplements in diets may alter the metabolism and other functions of the human intestinal microbiota, implementing their influence on health.

Recent studies on pre- and probiotics have broadened the spectrum of different micro-organisms considered as probiotics which can be widely used in food and medicines. More recently, recombinant molecular technology has been applied to probiotics to encourage the development of new functional approaches in preventive health care.

Currently there is renewed interest in the  the application of pre- and probiotics in the diet. This coincides with the need to augment or replace antibiotics whose side effects are detrimental to  the homeostasis of microbiome, additionally, the effectiveness of antibiotics is declining because of the increase in microbial resistance to them.

Functional probiotics can be used alongside antibiotic therapy to reduce the harmful effects, and this warrents further  research for improve antibiotic efficacy, for instance  enhanced mucosal immunity of the intestinal barrier to optimize health benefits.

As a result of such knowledge and outputs the project FUHONU aims to lead and support modern scientific research on pre-and probiotics, especially in terms of European collaboration between science and industry innovation.

An approach of “open innovation” to functional food supplements, both in research and production methods, will be undertaken  in collaboration with industrial stakeholders throughout the FUHONU work program. This is in order to achieve the ‘Health in Europe 2020’, implementing the Innovation platform for healthy promotion and prevention .

Finally, we will communicate the guidelines for the optimized  application  of pre-probiotics.  These  will be broadcast using communication networks in ITC, including information in the healthy scientifically validated and proven safety and functionality and vitality, such as high rates of survival in foods during storage or long-term survival in the upper gastrointestinal tract or the high viability of target action in the intestine. This dissemination activity will also support the legislation on health and nutrition claims.



Diets – Microbiome Research:  Knowledge Dissemination


Achieving a higher level of health protection’ for all European citizens has been a clear aim of the FUHONU Project .It is well recognized that high levels of physical and mental health and wellbeing are the foundations for other dimensions of European 2020 citizenship, including economic success ,social and cultural skills, active working life and a healthy old age.

The FUHONU consortium will contribute to rethink to public health by advancing in knowledge dissemination in order to emphasize prevention of public health on the basis of new scientific concepts between nutrition and health care.

Till now public health behavioral measures of promotion such as diffusing hints and tips for a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, … etc.. are important but are not enough to maintain a healthy population.

Cost effective investments in healthcare innovations nowadays can become more accessible to all citizens by means improving higher cognitive levels through an FUHONU platform co-organized by the partners to benefit from the healthy gut Microbiome research and from its impact on knowledge innovation.

With the increasing incidence of intestinal-related metabolic diseases and co-morbidities as allergies, and food intolerances, there is a growing awareness by the public for alternative methods to improve and sustaining general health. Therefore as the FUHONU contribution increases  about the sadvancemed  knowledge of food/bacteria/host interactions, it is becoming clear that there is enormous potential in the development of functional foods.

To maximize the potential health benefits from functional foods, it is essential that we develop a deeper dissemination about recent research about  (i) how diet impacts bacterial activity to the digesta; (ii) how diet impacts the bacterial colonization of the large bowel; and (iii) how bacteria work in a bacterial film consortia to degrade food particles.

So that will be a great expectation to the KBBE   impact of the dissemination of the  FUHONU program both development and results . will enhance a conscious health criteria to the general public in Europe and at the international level ,  in order to be informed people to utilize of advanced knowledge to get an Healthy gut Microbiome and also in order to improve an higher impact to the companies productivity of food quality and pre-probiotic’s  and functional food’s fortification.


Previous papers :








Cos’è la Poesia


di Gianfranco Purpi

1:    Ogni vera Poesia si pone sempre in quanto interfaccia della narrazione della realtà (olisticamente propria …e di convivialità e habitat pubblici e privatistici)…in quanto senso e significato dell’immediatezza della realtà stessa che si vuole e si tiene pulsionamente e sentimentalmente a raccontare in mimesi/metessi di rappresentazione sincronica;…che solo così consente all’Umano di vincere la sua costante paura e angoscia di vivere senza esistere,…e/o di ridursi a mero “consumatore” di risorse materiali,produttive e culturali…e umanisticamente di cuore e anima!

Quindi una Poesia verace …solo così…potrà dolcemente e diveniristicamente porsi storicistica ed espressione comunque immediatamente espressiva e di immanenza di un rapporto del proprio sè con la vita di contesto o interpersonale che si fa esistenza,…e con quest’ultima che misticamente,transferiamente,catarticamente , estaticamente, teleologicamente,assiologicamente,dentologicamente,teoreticamente,universalmente( …e così in rifrangenza perentoria trasfigurazionalmente e trasformazionalmente), …rivela e pone (con le semiologie del sentimento e della razionalizzazione declinata fulmineamente in “ragione etico/emotivo/affettiva/istintuale/pulsionale”…) l’ Essere/Esserci/nel/mondo/e/come/terrestrità/degli/erga omnes/e/quindi/nell’Io/e/come/mondo/che/si/dà/all’Io/stesso/e/come/Io/a sè/in sè/per/sè… !… In prospettiva fenomenologica e ontologico/gnoseologica , …monistico/immanentistica …e/o …singolarizzante/personalistica/contingentistica,…di ogni singolo soggetto umano in quanto persona che viene denotata dalla Logica dell’Essere e non già di quella dell’Avere;…dominando , essa poesia in quanto tale assiomaticamente…,inaspettamente e discretamente ,…e intuitivamente ,…e con “la mano sinistra” di Jerome Bruner,…le anonime icone e sceneggiature dei meccanicismi epistemici ontologici e gnoseologici tutti;…al postutto per esprimere e donare amore vero e non narcisistico ed egoisticamente da “consumatore” calvinista o kaimano Clericale , che sia.Gianfranco Purpi


… Sovente il POTERE  DEL  PRINCIPE  …ha cercato di declinare educativamente/istruzionalmente e di modulare pedagogicamente/didatticamente  …la  scuola assiomaticamente intesa … come azienda e quindi con le sole prospettive culturali,paidetiche e istituzionali e organizzative …configurate,snaturate e violentate all’insegna del razionalismo curricolare efficientistico/utilitaristico e dei valori della produttività …figli delle sole “leggi di mercato”;…eclissando così progressivamente le filosofie dell’educazione e le pedagogie della scuola fondate sui valori laici e personalistici universalmente riconosciuti quali fondanti la nostra civiltà occidentale e quindi le teleologie della speranze e le assiologie dell’amore universale (didatticamente criteriate e scientificamente operativizzanti);…le filosofie dell’educazione e le pedagogie,…e le politiche scolastiche ,…di una scuola e di una formazione istruzionale ed etico/sociale/affettiva in quanto generativamente e strutturalmente espressioni costanti di pregnante amore assoluto evangelizzante e pastorale “alla Jesus ” !

…Mistificando e quindi azzerando ogni auspicabile valoriale funzione pubblica e privata/intimistica della magistralità della docenza e del profilo di educatore …IN QUANTO SERVIZIO deontologico/assiologico E MISSIONE DI AMORE PRIMORDIALE VERSO IL “DIO ORIZZONTALE” degli erga omnes TUTTI UMANI POSSIBILI POVERI CRISTI,…IN QUANTO UMANESIMO INTEGRALE!!!

…INSOMMA  MOLTI  DEI  POTERI  DEL  PRINCIPE  …HANNO  FATTO DI TUTTO PER EDUCARE,FORMARE E ISTRUIRE GIOVANI E MENO GIOVANI …spacciando per virtù e necessità utilitaristico/deterministiche sociologiche e politico/economiche…IL MALEFICO E CONSAPEVOLMENTE MALVAGIO PROLIFERARE ESPONENZIALE DEI SETTE ERRORI CAPITALI dell’educazione SCOLARE E NON SCOLARE,…ben denunciati dal Maritain de:”L’EDUCAZIONE AL BIVIO” …(Edizione La Scuola , Brescia)…