Dimensionamento: la scuola italiana chiude il 2012 nell’illegalità

Dimensionamento: la scuola italiana chiude il 2012 nell’illegalità

2.611 scuole soppresse illegittimamente nell’a.s. 2012/13: metà di esse (1.404) sono scuole dell’infanzia, primarie e circoli didattici, 2.375 nel primo ciclo di istruzione, 39 istituti professionali, 174 istituti tecnici e 23 licei. Quasi la metà dei tagli al Sud in Campania, Sicilia, Puglia e Calabria, anche il Lazio a quota meno 300. La denuncia dell’Anief ai Presidenti di Regione dopo lo stralcio della nuova norma dalla legge di stabilità.

Lo aveva già denunciato alla stampa, lo scorso giugno, il presidente Marcello Pacifico con un commento a caldo della sentenza n. 147/12 della Consulta che cancellava la norma sul dimensionamento prevista dal c. 4, art. 19, della L. 111/11, colpevole di aver soppresso più di 2.500 istituzioni scolastiche senza il parere della Conferenza Stato-Regioni.

Persino, l’ARAN, sempre dopo un’articolata denuncia dell’Anief, è intervenuto il 22 novembre 2012 chiarendo che le RSU elette lo scorso marzo nelle scuole dimensionate rimarranno in carica per tutto il loro mandato, viste le novità normative previste proprio nel disegno di legge di stabilità (n. 5534) presentato ad ottobre dal Governo. Il comma 36 dell’art. 1, infatti, prendeva atto della decisione della Corte costituzionale e preannunciava una nuova intesa Stato-Regioni per l’attuazione di un nuovo dimensionamento in base al numero di 900 alunni per le scuole di ogni ordine e grado, precisando che valeva soltanto per l’a.s. 2012/13 quanto previsto dal c. 5, art. 19 dalla stessa L. 111/11 per le scuole superiori dove, peraltro, doveva essere disciplinata la reggenza e non la soppressione delle 236 scuole superiori censite dall’Anief.

Ora con la stralcio del comma dalla legge n. 228 del 24 dicembre 2012, il Presidente nazionale dell’Anief e delegato Confedir alla Scuola ritorna alla carica e di fronte all’illegittima organizzazione delle scuole autonome nel territorio, chiede ai Presidenti delle Regioni e agli Assessori competenti un incontro urgente con i propri referenti regionali per sapere quando saranno annullati i recenti decreti di rideterminazione della rete scolastica. Il momento è particolarmente delicato perché dal 21 gennaio al 28 febbraio 2013 si riaprono le preiscrizioni degli studenti alle classi prime delle scuole primarie e secondarie di primo e secondo grado proprio per l’anno scolastico 2013/2014. Se la scuola rimarrà nell’illegalità, sarà necessario ripercorrere quella via giudiziaria il cui iter era stato sospeso lo scorso autunno in virtù delle nuove regole che sembrava dovessero essere approvate.

Bisogna ricordare, infatti, che a seguito di questo illegittimo dimensionamento sono saltate anche numerose direzioni-presidenze e sono stati dichiarati in esubero diversi direttori di servizi generali e ammnistrativi, mentre sono state sconvolte le graduatorie interne d’istituto e sono stati cancellati più di mille posti in organico Ata. Non si può ignorare, infine, come la metà dei tagli riguardi proprio quel primo ciclo di istruzione che è stato già ferito dalla riforma Gelmini con l’introduzione del maestro unico, la cancellazione dell’insegnante specialista di lingua inglese, la riduzione dell’orario di lezione e del tempo pieno e prolungato: non è un caso se nell’ultimo rapporto i nostri studenti delle scuole materne ed elementari da primi si sono ritrovati al fondo delle classifiche internazionali.


Il comma 36, art. 1, stralciato

36. All’articolo 19 del decreto-legge 6 luglio 2011, n. 98, convertito, con modificazioni, dalla legge 15 luglio 2011, n. 111, e successive modificazioni, sono apportate le seguenti modificazioni:

a) al comma 5, la parola: «Alle» è sostituita dalle seguenti: «Nell’anno scolastico 2012/2013, alle»;

b) al comma 5-bis, le parole: «A decorrere dall’» sono sostituite dalla seguente: «Nell’»;

c) dopo il comma 5-bis è inserito il seguente: «5-ter. A decorrere dall’anno scolastico 2013/2014, i criteri per l’individuazione delle istituzioni scolastiche ed educative sede di dirigenza scolastica e di direttore dei servizi generali e amministrativi sono definiti con accordo tra il Ministero dell’istruzione, dell’università e della ricerca e le regioni in sede di Conferenza unificata di cui all’articolo 8 del decreto legislativo 28 agosto 1997, n. 281, e successive modificazioni, fermi restando gli obiettivi finanziari di cui ai commi 5 e 5-bis del presente articolo.


La motivazione del Governo

Il comma 36 limita solo all’anno scolastico 2012/2013 il divieto, previsto dall’articolo 19 del decreto-legge n. 98 del 2011, di assegnare dirigenti scolastici nonché il posto in via esclusiva di direttore dei servizi generali ed amministrativi alle istituzioni scolastiche autonome costituite con un numero di alunni inferiore a 600 unità, ovvero site nelle piccole isole, nei comuni montani, nelle aree geografiche caratterizzate da specificità linguistiche. Conseguentemente, si prevede che a decorrere dall’anno scolastico 2013/2014 i criteri per l’individuazione delle istituzioni scolastiche ed educative sede di dirigenza scolastica e di direttore dei servizi generali ed amministrativi sono definiti con accordo tra il Ministero e le regioni in Conferenza unificata. Tale previsione si rende necessaria per dare completa applicazione alla sentenza della Corte costituzionale n. 147 del 7 giugno 2012, che ha dichiarato incostituzionale il comma 4 dell’articolo 19 decreto-legge 6 luglio 2011, n. 98, convertito, con modificazioni, dalla legge 15 luglio 2011, n. 111, relativo alla generalizzazione degli istituti comprensivi che dovevano essere costituiti con almeno 1.000 alunni, ridotti a 500 in particolari zone (montane e piccole isole), chiarendo che lo Stato non può dettare norma di dettaglio in materia di dimensionamento delle rete scolastica, di competenza regionale, ma può solo fissare norma generale per il contenimento della spesa stabilendo degli obiettivi da raggiungere.


I tagli per ordine e tipo di scuola

Scuole del primo ciclo d’istruzione

512 sedi di organico

312 istituti comprensivi


188 scuole primarie

128 scuole infanzia

147 scuole medie

1.088 direzioni didattiche


30 centri territoriali


Scuole secondarie superiori

39 istituti professionali


84 istituti superiori

47 tecnici commerciali

24 tecnici industriali

2 tecnici nautici

3 tecnici soci

1 tecnico geometra

5 tecnici turistici

6 istituti arte

2 istituti magistrali


9 licei artistici

4 licei classici

10 licei scientifici



I tagli per regione





















WP7 -Conducting dissemination and project implementation

Future Horizon of Nutrition : WP7 -Conducting dissemination and project implementation

Leader EGOCREANET (IT) EGOCREANET2012@gmail.com

Core partners

Bruno Biavati : bruno.biavati@unibo.it ; Mess Juriaan: jurrian.mes@wur.nl

Alojz Bomba: alojz.bomba@upjs.sk:; Kata Kalóczkai:    kata.kaloczkai@ektf.hu

SPECIAL FOCUS on DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES. Prevention research project planned by FUHONU provides a fundamental importance to develop a platform for dissemination and diffusion of knowledge, therefore  will be linked to each part of every stage of the project.

Goals ; The WP organized by Egocreanet will support research and innovations in the fields of the FUTURE HORIZON OF NUTRITION Project with the aim to generate new sharing knowledge on microbiome and to contribute to health prevention , and the overall improvement of quality of life.


The objectives  of WP dissemination should be utilization of FUHONU research of two fundamental targets a) society in general and in particular to nutritionists, physicians and health professional and managers b) agrifood and nutraceutical of pre-probiotics industry. Such utilization  means opening a appropriated dissemination of different things to different members of a target audiences; in some cases, it may mean understanding the conceptual innovation of research findings  and or benefits of some  innovation products and productions. The critical element of utilization will be focused as an important modality of information  exchange so that the FUHONU research outcome must be interactive as well the dissemination  must fit the new information to individual with her or his prior understandings and experience.



Besides the WP7 will utilize  ICT-tools  for improved processing/ nutritional quality/ sustainability/ safety assessment to meet management needs innovation  of Agro-food and nutraceutical SMEs Following such utilization modality of interactive dissemination the FUHONU  Program will initiate as a dynamic effort in internet platforms to improve  the gut –microbiome advanced  knowledge, attitudes, and practice skills to physicians and other health professionals in the field of human nutrition, with an emphasis on implementing research  results  into practice guidelines.

During the duration of the FUHONU project the WP7 will co-organize a  network of partners and consulting centers and stakeholders to develop, implement, evaluate, and disseminate innovative model of nutrition , curricula for permanent training  of university students and residents. The WP7  dissemination program constitutes a major new effort for enhance the Future Horizon of Nutrition criteria and  to help address a long-standing problem of deficiencies in knowledge among health care providers in the translation and application of the science of human nutrition to the practice of preventive medicine To this scope  the WP7  would establish relationships with other professional societies, organizations, and consortia that also are working in the area of multidisciplinary dissemination and training in nutrition.

Further elements of the effective dissemination plan :

–        A) Collaboration and sources of communication  to improve  dissemination efforts.

These include open relationships and gentlemen agreement  with the following organizations:

– National Institutes of Health.   NIHinfo@od.nih.gov.


– http://www.danoneinstitute.org/nutrition_portal/index_nutrition_journals.php

– http://www.esnm.eu/gut_health/gut_micro_health.php?navId=68



-Advanced Foods and Materials Canada http://www.afmcanada.ca/  <m.dipaul@afmcanada.ca>

-Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition – Via Mantova, 166 – 43122 Parma ITALY – info@barillacfn.com – www.barillacfn.com

– Paleo Diet :http://paleodietlifestyle.com/special/cookbook…

– Irritable Bowel  Syndrome :


SOMED Society for microbial ecology and diseases    www.somed.nu

– EGERFOOD Food Safety and Technology Development Cluster, http://tti.ektf.hu/

– Pharmapolis Innovative Food Cluster, http://www.pharmapiek.hu/index.php?hova=3, http://www.foodclusterinitiative.eu/uploads/files/P2_Prokisch.pdf

– Hungarian Society of Nutrition http://www.iunsweb.org/insprofile/magyar-taplalkozastudomanyi-tarsasag-hungarian-society-of-nutrition

– Hungarian Society for the Study of Obesity (HSSO),  http://www.easo.org/middle-region/hungary

– Hungarian Association of Food Science and Technology, http://www.mete.hu/

– Federation of Hungarian Food Industries, http://www.efosz.hu/efoszrol/szakmszov_en.php?lang=uk

OTHER SOURCES   can be added in the during the FUHONU project implementation.

B) Dissemination WP7 will utilize Internet communication tools  to provide real-time reporting of scheduling information and to monitor the project implementation activities. For this scope Egocreanet  will involve staff time and budgetary resources and also involve third-party assistance from graphic or Web designers, printers, or others with special expertise. These organizations, or information provider will be engaged in WP7 Dissemination to develop a FUHONU website, blogs, facebook pages ( as : http://www.facebook.com/groups/195771803846822/, besides various forms of public presentations, and publications will be important components of the WP7 strategy to disseminate materials to a broader audience of nutrition educators. The WP7 Dissemination  could be useful to a variety of users, including (but not limited to) organizations and individuals that/who:Conduct  nutrition surveys innovation ; Implement food/nutrient programs ;Make policies related to nutrition and/or nutritional status; Fund new research on or programs related to food/nutrition innovation

C) To manage the implementation of FUHONU project in cooperation with the Steering Committee (with the role of monitoring the quality of implementation development ) will be organized a network of experts from many disciplines throughout the organization of a stakeholder community . The FUHONU internet community will be developed through planning an agenda to implement multiple initiatives to address the challenges to develop Future horizon of nutrition and contribute to the European leadership in Gut-Microbiome research development.



Deliverables :

1. Organization of semester- workshops to present the aims and research results of FUHONU project (for university students, food industrial associations, companies)

2. Educational exhibitions, presentations on the field of food science and innovation

3. Establish a food science and consumer protection competition (FOODTEST) on national and European level, as well, for university students etc.

4. Preparing short films about the work of the individual research centers/teams

5. Preparing short films about food processing technologies and safe utilizations of foodstuffs

6. Creating and managing a facebook profile of FUHONU “Food ingredient of the month” – introduce the food ingredients with positive physiological effects

7. Creating and managing a facebook profile to PhD students working on FUHONU project

8. Establish a blog to introduce the economical and society benefits and the innovative result of R+D activity of FUNHONU project


In order to increase participation research potential and innovation of the project FUHONU will be co-organized annually,  four public Conferences , ( of one-day duration) each )  whose activities would contribute to closing the gap in research and innovation in order to contribute to the realization of European competitiveness in the sign of the European strategy Horizon 2020

Note: Detailed calendar  of the four Conferences may be described  in the next year.

TITLE, APPROXIMATE DATES, LOCATION  of the Conferencies  . They will be organized in order to increase participation research potential and innovation of the project FUHONU and to contribute to closing the gap in research and innovation in order to contribute to the realization of European competitiveness in the sign of the European strategy Horizon 2020.

Milestone 1 : KICKOFF meeting  Bologna (IT) Organized by : Bruno Biavati : bruno.biavati@unibo.it

Milestone  2: First year Conference  organized by : Mess Juriaan: jurrian.mes@wur.nl

Title: “ Microbiome and immune-defence “ Wageningen, The Netherlands , Approximate date : Sept 2014

Milestyone 3 Second Year  Public Conference  Theme: “Nutrition, Gut Microbiota and Health” will be held on 26th September 2015 in Košice, Slovakia.  This conference will be co-organized with: www.pamidainternational.com/en/FP7.

Milestone 4.   Third Year organized by : Kata Kalóczkai; TITLE: “ Innovation in Nutrition for Gut health”, LOCATION: Eger, Hungary; Approximate date: 2015

Milestone 5:  Fourth Year “ Future Horizon of Nutrition “  Firenze organized by Egocreanet. Approximate date: 2016

List of Experts of the Leader of WP7 : Experts  in  new research-based  dissemination field are assured by the staff of Egocreanet . They are well organized to incorporate implementation of reaching decisions, making changes, or taking other specific actions designed to improve outcomes and disseminate interactively ideas in order to  benefit from the research outcomes about the Nutritional prevention as a on going and final results of FUHONU Project

The staff Egocreanet  is composed by multidisciplinary experts  they are .

Paolo Manzelli pmanzelli.lre@gmail.com,  (Chemistry) Marcello Traversi traversimarcello@gmail.com ( Management) ;Annalisa Olivotti a.olivotti@libero.it, (Nutritionist);Janos Feher j.feher@libero.it,( expert in Nutraceutical Production )  Alessandro Sale <alessandro.sale@in.cnr.it> ( neurobiologist) , Gianna.Scatizzi, (Chemistry- expert in nutracetcs production ) g.scatizzi@fiorgen.net,

This cooperative staff of Egocreanet is able to use varied dissemination methods, including written reports, electronic media, and person-to-person contact. The experience in multidisciplinary  literature concerning dissemination strategies will be the characteristic of the Leader (Egocreanet ) and of the core group  of partners included in WP7 in order to lead to a public perception that to correspond to an  effective understanding of FUHONU advanced research.In carrying out a dissemination  activity under this FUHONU program will be shared with all partners the correspondence with relate research findings to practical innovation and applications useful in planning, policy making, program administration, and delivery of services for improving industry innovation .Besides will be established  a multiplicity of  linkages to resources of stakeholders that may be needed to implement the information and technical assistance in order to be effective in encouraging widespread adoption and implementation of new programs, ideas, and strategies.

Additional Experts of the WP7 Core Group of partners  will be included.


Modern nutritional research is aiming at health promotion and disease prevention and on wellness performance improvement. Hence a primary goal of modern nutrition research is to optimize health and prevent or delay disease. The nutritional research focus the study of healthy-biomarkers to quantify health optimization. Particularly assumes a great importance  the quantifying “normal homeostasis of microbiome” and so that developing validated healthy-biomarkers are formidable tasks because of the resilience of homeostasis in relation to diets in the contest of the  inter-individual diversity. The healthy-biomarker  research needs to reflect subtle changes in homeostasis and the efforts of the body –brain interactions as they are necessary to maintain an healthy homeostasis. Biomarkers can be find as drivers – signals of health and thi can be the focus of  a deeper implementation of the studies about  the functionality of microbiome  both in metabolism , gut-barrier inflammation, and also deepening the research of various deficiencies about the cross talk between microbiome and enteric and central brain producing psychological stress and other behavioral impairments and diseases. The healthy biomarkers can be considered as signals to  take in consideration in order to  maintaining health and preventing metabolic diseases through personalized diets .


FUHONU project implementation will develop advances in healthy gut microbiota to develop new design on functional food and nutrition sciences highlighted that new personalized products can provide an high impact with components able to both to improve health status and wellbeing and/or reduce the risk of some diseases. Therefore, much research will be undertaken on development and application of technologies to develop nutraceuticals and functional foods and dietary supplements that can make health claims and/or structure/function claims. Health claims state that an ingredient may reduce the risk of a disease, whereas, structure/function claims declare that an ingredient in the product could benefit a body’s structure (the skeletal system) or its function (the circulatory system) and also mental functions / the neurotransmission system ) . The FUHONU project implementation will includes a fundamental dissemination stragegy of scientific information on the common natural products rich in nutraceutic components, thus  explains the importance of probiotic and prebiotic foods and finally focused on recent guides dealing with functional formulations for specific human diet related diseases.

The human microbiome is a source of genetic diversity, a modifier of disease, an essential component of immunity, and a functional entity that influences metabolism and modulates drug interactions. In the implementation of the four year FUHONU project  will be open a scientific interactive blog to debate  how these emerging healthy microbiome knowkedge  are useful to understanding various applications of wellness and well being. The debate will start  to underline the importance of the early colonization of the infant gut by microorganisms that over the first year of life is crucial for development of a balanced immune response. Early alterations in the gastrointestinal microbiota of neonates has been linked with subsequent development  of allergic and other metabolic diseases . From these findings we will implement those microbiome  knowledge  through a specific epidemiological trial to find the best  protective effect of probiotics as  food-supplementation  in order to avoid subsequent development of  diseases  through promotion of a stable homeostasis  of  gastrointestinal community from infants to older person. This epidemiological trial  will provide to understand and support the best relationship between nutrition and global health  aiming to develop an European nutrition survey and to develop an evidence-based dietary guidance to support  prevention to diet-disease relationships and to enhance optimal health .

Besides microbiome  plays a beneficial role for the prevention of human host favouring the metabolism of non digestible food components (called  Pre-biotics)  producing vitamins and short.chain fatty acids useful in shaping the host immune system . So that  a diet’s trial based on  additioning pre-biotics will be expected to play  a dominant role in shaping an healty gut microbiota to prevent  from a long term dysbiosis that lead to a increased  level of gut-barrier permeability Hence the FUHONU  project implementation  would propose a guide to avoid to provoke chronic inflammation of the gut barrier getting personalized possibilities for modulating an healthy gut microbiota and also would give to the food industry some strategies to designing new functional foods in preventive management  of the metabolic and immunologic diseases .Thus the implementation of FUHONU project will strengthening a better understanding about  the implications of an healthy microbiome in homehostasis and in prevention of human health and active ageing.

Furthermore the implementation project would focus to  link dietary consumption of prebiotic food ingredients and probiotic microorganisms to health psico-pfysiological benefits and this goal  means to elucidate the complex interactions between the enteric system ,microbiota and  neuronal areas that may provide  a rational basis for understanding the cross talk between brain and microbiome . In that context will be an important factor  to identify how the “taste-receptors” (see Note *) living in the intestinal gut are able to to transduce signals originating from the microbiome.

In the blog debate will be diffused the on overall implementation providing information to the project status communication to stakeholders and team members of the most important documentation , reports, milestones and key aspects of the project., in order to disseminate  the FUHONU strategy in identifying future horizons and challenges, many of which are common to human nutrigenetic studies to predict that in the future personalized nutrition based in functional, or food fortification will be able to overcome  risk of human metabolic diseases .

In particular  looking at the health risks of obesity and its socio-economic consequences the FUHONU research proposal will be focused  at the development and implementation of an innovative, integrated, criteria to obesity prevention, through a consultant system involving multidisciplinary science program.

In conclusion FUHONU Working plan seven, will support the  implementation  and dissemination of future horizons of nutrition science, with its application on functional food development and nutrition  policy changes that  needs a new conceptual framework on preventive medicine.

The FUHONU project will, stress in consideration  that man is a “super organism” in an healthy symbiois with intestinal flora .

Hence the project implementation in conclusion , would propose new principles to govern and guide nutrition science and its application to food production innovation and nutrition new policy ,based on 2020 persectives that takes into account extended multidisciplinary and multiactorial dimensions and domains between multiple genetis and epigenetics factors.

The final step of FUHONU implementation stategy will be  to understand how the existing business processes can be improved by means improving a start up of as a Consultant European Community for improving prevention for health .The purpose of this Consultant Community will be to give the science maximum relevance and usefulness in addressing the challenges and opportunities to delivering to the EU 2020 Horizons of health prevention priorities .

During the project FUHONU WP7 will  search for adhesion to develop this EU Consultant Community

A  final public open congress will be held in Florence in 2016  that shares the project’s research results with a wider audience from the partner’s institutions, regional government  and public health agencies, private sectors, and Industry . International experts will also be invited to share their experiences on related FUHONU nutritional prevention topics founded on the idea that the improvement of dietary supplements and functional foods may decrease the contry’s healt care expenses.

Deliverables of WP7  Implementation program :

1. Development of a project plan for overarching project

3.Development of a communication plan

4.Production of three-monthly project status reports to document progress

5.Production of a final report

6.Production of project completion report

7.Project review (Continuous improvement)

8-Project-and international relationship annual Report

Expected impact:

Gut Microbiota, and their role on human health and disease  prevention is  emergent area of research, presenting a new paradigm full of opportunities for nutritional applications that need to get an high impact through dissemination activities.

Hence WP7 would promote and disseminate healthy gut microbiome advanced knowledge to contribute to the dissemination of new approaches for the prevention of metabolic and immunologic diseases , and impairment of brain and other organs by reshaping the gut microbiome through lifestyle interventions, replacement therapies, development of pro and prebiotics and innovative personalised products.

Such research and innovation need to be transferred to support industry, dealing with the organization of information networks to enhance the objective identifies needs, opportunities and institutional requirements for a more efficient cooperation. Also thewp7 dissemination program will develop   management information systems for better cooperation between research and company, control and risk management in enterprises, create lean management concepts, improve infrastructures for SME management support, enable SMEs to optimally respond to emerging risks.


In conclusion  WP/7 will enhance the understand the role of diet in delivery of health promoting ingredients and produce healthy and quality of ffod’s  fortification, including the development of pro and prebiotics and innovative personalised products,and diffusing lifestyle interventions and replacement therapies, … with the ultimate goal of promoting a healthy and active population and a high quality of life, both key in delivering on the EU2020


The intestine  contains receptors of taste. Just as we feel the taste of the food for the ‘activation receptors of the tongue  similarly the enteric nervous system receive information from a network of receptors , similar to those of the tongue , Besides similar taste-receptors  resides not only in  the digestive system of the intestine but  also in the heart, lungs and brain.

Through this  pathway  of  taste-receptors in the digestive tract may be developed a  communication of that interface  brain and gut ;this cross-talk  permits to the the brain to receive  a sampling of information on the metabolic products processed by numerous bacteria, Firmicutes or Bacteroidetes, etc.. which are present in the various levels of digestion.

Already since 2007, and ‘was found the existence of two receptors taste that have a role in responses of glucose sensor in intestinal lumen (Jang, Kokrashvili, et al. 2007 Proc Natl Acad SciUSA 104:15069-15074). Today it will be possible to find many articles and news that highlight how a network of taste receptors that are scattered in various vital organs related to power and well-being and satisfaction in eating .It seems possible that the repertoire of taste receptors expressed in the intestine, in particular in the colon, but also in the small intestine, correlated with those of the brain, can take a decision about  satiety  and other associated interactive information by forming an extensive network of interactive relationships favoring a personalized behavior to food intake.

Many of these receptors of intestine seem to be completely similar to those of the various sensations of bitter and acid and also sweet and umami in the mouth. The reception and transmission of those mutual information between the brain and intestine through the network of taste receptors is very selective, as it is believed capable of being sensitive to metabolites of plant origin from those composed of amino acids. Taste receptors are designed to detect specific classes of chemicals and to transmit signals to the brain. Therefore, the taste receptors scattered in intestine seems to take on a role as a monitor of the symbiosis of metabolic function of the microbiome with those of our genome.

Brain is informed promptly, about the gut- microbiome homeostasis thai is co-organized between genome and microbiome ;  so that brain stores data and memorize how to control the homeostasis through  using vagus nerve in order to analyze  the dynamics of the digestive system. So we know that also the faecal fermentation can be monitored in some way yet to permit to the brain to investigate distinct advantage of the symbiosis between intestinal bacteria  and human host .

Thus may be possible during the project FUHONU, to implement the research on “gut-brain axis” by verify such  hypothesis, about  the communication that takes place through  taste receptors distribution  in various organs of the body and the brain . The expected results may play a role in the optimization of knowledge of the digestive process, through better understanding as  the taste receptors network can customize diets personalization and consequently getting  a better nutritional well-being and the mental and physical health in our lives.

– Biblio online on Taste Receptors: :






–        Paolo Manzelli 2012/12/29 FIRENZE  pmanzelli.lre@gmail.com